Purpose of this documentation
This documentation aims to cover the information required to run scientific and data-intensive computing tasks at Mila and the available resources for its members.
It also aims to be an outlet for sharing know-how, tips and tricks and examples from the IDT team to the Mila researcher community.
Intended audience
This documentation is mainly intended for Mila researchers having access to the Mila cluster. This access is determined by your researcher status. See Roles and authorizations for more information. The core of the information with this purpose can be found in the following section: Computing infrastructure and policies.
However, we also aim to provide more general information which can be useful outside the scope of using the Mila cluster. For instance, more general theory on computational considerations and such. In this perspective, we hope the documentation can be of use for all AI researchers.
See the following file for contribution guidelines :
# Contributing to the Mila Docs
Thank you for your interest into making a better documentation for all at Mila.
Here are some guidelines to help bring your contributions to life.
## What should be included in the Mila Docs
* Mila cluster usage
* Digital Research Alliance of Canada cluster usage
* Job management tips / tricks
* Research good practices
* Software development good practices
* Useful tools
**_NOTE_**: Examples should aim to not consume much more than 1 GPU/hour and 2 CPU/hour
## Issues / Pull Requests
### Issues
Issues can be used to report any error in the documentation, missing or unclear
sections, broken tools or other suggestions to improve the overall
### Pull Requests
PRs are welcome and we value the contents of contributions over the appearance
or functionality of the pull request. If you don't know how to write the proper
markup in reStructuredText, simply provide the content you would like to add in
the PR text form which supports markdown or with instructions to format the
content. In the PR, reference the related issues like this:
Resolves: #123
See also: #456, #789
If you would like to contribute directly in the code of the documentation, keep
the lines width to 80 characters or less. You can attempt to build the docs
yourself to see if the formating is right:
#### pip installation
python3 -m pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
pre-commit install
sphinx-build -b html docs/ docs/_build/
#### conda installation
conda env create --file docs/environment.yaml
conda activate mila-docs
sphinx-build -b html docs/ docs/_build/
This will produce the html version of the documentation which you can navigate
by opening the local file `docs/_build/index.html`.
If you have any trouble building the docs, don't hesitate to open an issue to
request help.
Regarding the restructured text format, you can simply provide the content
you would like to add in markdown or plain text format if more convenient
for you and someone down the line should take responsibility to convert
the format.
## Sphinx / reStructuredText (reST)
The markup language used for the Mila Docs is
[reStructuredText](http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html) and we follow the
[Python’s Style Guide for documenting](https://docs.python.org/devguide/documenting.html#style-guide).
Here are some of reST syntax directives which are useful to know :
(more can be found in
[Sphinx's reST Primer](https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/restructuredtext/basics.html)):
### Inline markup
* one asterisk: `*text*` for *emphasis* (italics),
* two asterisks: `**text**` for **strong emphasis** (boldface), and
* backquotes: ` ``text`` ` for `code samples`, and
* external links: `` `Link text <http://target>`_ ``.
### Lists
* this is
* a list
* with a nested list
* and some subitems
* and here the parent list continues
### Sections
This is a heading
There are no heading levels assigned to certain characters as the structure is
determined from the succession of headings. However, the Python documentation
suggests the following convention:
* `#` with overline, for parts
* `*` with overline, for chapters
* `=`, for sections
* `-`, for subsections
* `^`, for subsubsections
* `"`, for paragraphs
### Note box
.. note:: This is a long
long long note
### Collapsible boxes
This is a local extension, not part of Sphinx itself. It works like this:
.. container:: toggle
.. container:: header
**Show/Hide Code**
.. code-block:: <type>